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A Day In The Life of a Small Business Owner

Today, we’ve got a different kind of blog. This one, is more of a story that should sound pretty familiar to you. This is the day in the life of an owner of a small service business.

6:00 AM: Wake up early, check email, listen to voicemail, review calendar schedule and make sure no one has called off or will miss a service appointment.

6:30 AM: Figure out how to deal with any issues sent your way while you eat a quick breakfast.

6:45 AM: Grab a cup of coffee and head to work.

7:15 AM: Check in at work, make sure the team is arriving and provide directions for the day.

8:00 AM: Pass out the service work orders, deal with some headaches and watch the team drive off to their first service appointments.

9:00 AM: Wander over to the office manager and see how they are doing.

9:15 AM: Ask a question or two about outstanding accounts, about suppliers and whether any customer is complaining.

9:30 AM: Then it is off to your first sales appointments. Selling is fun and exciting, love to be in front of people sharing your passion for solving their issues. In the back of your mind, you are thinking,

“I need to make sure I have the staff to perform all the work I'm quoting.”

11:30 AM: After a few sales meetings, you check in on the crew teams and it is back to the office.

12:00 PM: Working lunch while you look over your notes from the morning’s sales meetings

1:00 PM: After lunch, the crews start coming in with their paperwork.

2:00 PM: The office manager does a quick glance and identifies the typical mistakes or missing information that seems to happen with the same crew members time after time.

3:00 PM: Meetings with managers to discuss current sales prospects, as well as projects with the crews.

4:00 PM: The office manager puts it all in a pile for the next days’ data entry.

5:00 PM: One of the files you need for a report has gone missing, and nobody knows where it’s supposed to be. Time to go cabinet fishing again…

6:00 PM: You wish everyone a good evening and go home.

7:00 PM: Finally, you’re home after fighting through traffic, and picking up groceries for dinner.

7:30 PM A late dinner, an hour or two with the kids and watching tv and then off to bed, ready to do it all over again the next day.

Day after day, you work so hard IN your business. You hear the comments once in while about the importance of working ON your business but what does that mean and when the heck will you have time to do that?

Working on your business is improving it, it is creating business plans, it is looking at how to be more efficient, a little more proactive than reactive. It is about understanding the goals you have for the business; it is trying to professionalize it as much as possible and maximize the income you get out of it.

And that’s why naturalForms is here to help. Let us help you find the path so you can at least understand where to enter. Help you figure out what should be the highest priority and what can be done easily that will drive significant value. All it takes is reaching out.

Want to see how much of a difference digital forms can make for your business? Click here to get started with a FREE 14-day trial with naturalForms.

naturalForms — Smart Forms for Smart Business

About naturalForms®

naturalForms is an innovative software company based in Dayton, Ohio USA and is the leader in natural input technologies and provides an end-to-end mobile data capture platform that automates the collection of natural input (such as handwriting, photos, notes, drawings, and signatures) instantly at the point of entry. Information captured with tablets or other mobile devices is immediately converted to digital data and seamlessly integrated to backend systems. Straight-through processing eliminates cycle time delays and human data entry errors, creating an unsurpassed workflow optimization and significant cost savings. naturalForms’ solutions are used around the world, delivering value in multiple industries. To learn more, visit


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