Shark! There’s a shark in the water! Everybody out let’s go!... Just kidding! Summertime is here, and you know what that means: The summer heat is here as well. With the heat turning up, the sun sweating down, it’s a mighty fine time to be headed to the pools! So, while you’re getting ready to slather on the sunscreen, pick out a pair of perfect swimsuits/trunks and hit the water, it’s important to be careful when you’re out to have fun.
Among children younger than 15 years old, 350 deaths come from drowning in pools and spas each year. And between 2015 and 2017, 6,400 children under 15 had to be hospitalized due to nonfatal injuries while being in pools or spas. It can happen to anybody. And it can happen any time near the water.
So today, we’re going to give you some tips to make sure your pool is safe and sound.
Make sure that your pool has appropriate barriers – Kids absolutely love getting into the pool. You can’t keep them out of it. Heck, when I was but a wee sprout, my favorite thing about the summer was going to my friend’s house and hopping into the pool. But the danger remains ever present. If you can’t see them, you have no idea where they could be. And all it takes is a slip when they’re running in, and they can fall, knock their heads, and drown. So, make sure there is a barrier around your pool.
If anybody is in the pool, make sure they’re accompanied – This doesn’t matter if it’s a toddler, or if it is the fish himself Michael Phelps: DON’T GO IN THE WATER ALONE. If you’re relaxing in the pool, and both your legs cramp, will you be able to swim to the surface? If not, will you be able to push yourself up, or climb back up along the side? More importantly, do you want to leave it to chance? No, you do not.
Make sure your drain covers have anti-entrapment covers, and a safety release valve - If you’ve ever been in the pool, you might remember that one place where your foot felt it was getting suctioned down, only to reveal the drain for the pool. Keeping your pool clean and free of bacteria is extremely important, but so too is making sure you don’t have any accidental traps in your pool. It might not be a problem for you, but for a child, it is much more powerful.
Make sure children know how to swim – If you have a full-sized pool or spa, it is likely above head level of the children. And even if it isn’t, your child will need to know how to swim, because you just never know. Most drownings occur when it’s outside of regular swimming time. So, while you need to make sure your pool is safe, it’s also important to keep your children safe as well.
If a child is missing, make sure to check the pool first – A child underwater is impossible to hear, and this is a game of seconds. If your child has gone missing, the first thing to do is check the pool. They could have slipped, secretly got in, or just left your field of vision for a moment.
The summertime is the season of fun, so make sure that you’ve got your pool safe, secure, and everybody is ready to hit the water!
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naturalForms is an innovative software company based in Dayton, Ohio USA and is the leader in natural input technologies and provides an end-to-end mobile data capture platform that automates the collection of natural input (such as handwriting, photos, notes, drawings, and signatures) instantly at the point of entry. Information captured with tablets or other mobile devices is immediately converted to digital data and seamlessly integrated to backend systems. Straight-through processing eliminates cycle time delays and human data entry errors, creating an unsurpassed workflow optimization and significant cost savings. naturalForms’ solutions are used around the world, delivering value in multiple industries. To learn more, visit http://www.naturalforms.com.