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The Power of Visual Information

This blog was done in partnership with CompanyCam, the photo app every contractor needs. Built to take the guesswork out of your daily work, CompanyCam provides real-time enhanced photos that give you and your business a better flow of information.

Visual information is extremely important when you’re on the job. Being able to clearly describe a job and its requirements to team members prevent miscommunication, mistakes, and costly rework. We’re going to give you 5 reasons why visuals are so important:

  • 80% of people will watch a video but only 20% of people will read text on a page. - Visuals are more interesting and less likely to be skimmed over. Speaking of which...

  • Most people only read 20-28% of the words on the page. - Does this describe you? Think about all those times where you read something over and over and over, but still couldn't understand what was going on. Maybe your brain was just skimming over it unintentionally.

  • People will retain information better if there are visuals attached to it. - People who hear a piece of information will retain about 10% of it after three days. 65% will be retained if a visual is attached to it. (Video Killed the Radio Star anyone?)

  • We can get the sense of a visual scene in less than 1/10 of a second. Alright here's a cool one. Find the dot that is out of place:

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Didn't take you very long did it? (It’s the fifth dot in the fifth row.) Your brain is incredibly quick at disseminating information! How quick is it?

  • The brain can see images that last for just 13 milliseconds. Wondering how fast that is? Click on this timer video, and when it gets to 00:59.83, you’re there. Yeah. It’s really fast.

Alright, visual information is important. But let’s take a turn and show you how important it is too.

Which conversation do you want to have with your boss?

Exactly. Not only is text only able to convey so much information, but it also runs the risk of getting lost if you don’t have a digital copy of it. (Not to mention paper is expensive.)

Now let’s take a look at how effective video can be versus text.

The value of visual information.

CompanyCam features a Before and After feature that composites photos you took of a job site to show what it was like before you worked, and after.

Sounds nice! Now let’s take a look at a video that explains this:

The video helps, doesn’t it? And that is exactly why your business needs to modernize its communication systems by integrating smart forms and smart photo and photo capture into your business. When you have rich visual information, it makes things a thousand times easier!

Get started with naturalForms and CompanyCam. The only regret you’ll have is that you didn’t try them sooner.

naturalForms — Smart Forms for Smart Business

About naturalForms®

naturalForms is an innovative software company based in Dayton, Ohio USA and is the leader in natural input technologies and provides an end-to-end mobile data capture platform that automates the collection of natural input (such as handwriting, photos, notes, drawings, and signatures) instantly at the point of entry. Information captured with tablets or other mobile devices is immediately converted to digital data and seamlessly integrated to backend systems. Straight-through processing eliminates cycle time delays and human data entry errors, creating unsurpassed workflow optimization and significant cost savings. naturalForms’ solutions are used around the world, delivering value in multiple industries. To learn more, visit


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